End of the Year REVIEW 1st Grade SUMMER BUNDLE No Prep Printables Math & ELA

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This is a bundle of my two FIRST GRADE SUMMER REVIEW PACKETS. Included are my math and literacy no prep printables. These are fun summer themed no prep worksheets filled with lots of great LITERACY and MATH review activities for your 1st grader that incorporate various math, grammar and reading skills. The kids will think these are "FUN" worksheets and not really work at all!!! There are 28 math sheets and 28 literacy worksheets that review a wide variety of skills. These printables also come in 1/2 page size. These are great for the end of the year station or a summer review. These are also a perfect packet to send home with your students to work on over summer break. These are all no prep...just print and go! All of the pages are EASY for the students to do. They all include directions.


While these are aimed at end of the year first grade students, this is also great for back to school second graders!


Click on the links below to purchase these separately:


☀️Summer MATH Review for 1st Grade

Included in this no prep resource is:
►4 different covers to choose from

►Summer Match (matching pictures to digits)

►Fill the Pitchers (writing kissing numbers up to 25)

►Pineapple Number Order (numbers before and after a number)

►Summer Counting (counting objects up to 10)

►Summer Count and Graph (count the summer icons and graph them)

►Let’s Count with Lemons (adding and subtracting numbers to 20/coloring even and odd numbers/answering questions about the number of lemons colored)

►Surfing to 10 (mentally adding and subtracting 10 from a number)

►Buckets of Numbers (fining missing numbers in addition and subtraction sentences to 20)

►Diving for Treasure (math maze where students have to fill in missing numbers in addition and subtraction sentences)

►Equal or Not? (Comparing number sentences using <, >, or = symbols)

►Solve and Color (adding and subtracting Numbers to 20 and coloring in the answer)

►Summer Fractions (Reading fractions and coloring in the fraction)

►Comparing by Size (comparing items by weight and size and height)

►Which has More (comparing sets of items and coloring in which set has the most)

►The Greatest and the Least (comparing 4 numbers and coloring in the greatest/least)

►Let’s Make 10 (adding or subtracting to find 10)

►Let’s Count the Stars (skip counting by 2’s to 40)

►Summer Number Words (read the words and color in the digit, up to 20)

►Summer Add 10 (add 10 to a number given, up to 100)

►Base Ten Buckets (count the base ten blacks and color that number of pictures)

►Finding 10 (finding numbers that add up to 10)

►Color Odd or Even (coloring odd/even numbers up to 100)

►It's Beach Time (find the time to the hour and half hour)
►Cool Coins (find and color pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters)
►Summer Place Value (write the expanded form of numbers, up to 95)
►Summer Measurements (Measuring pictures using the nonstandard unit ruler with starfish)

►Base Ten Match (cut and paste activity- matching base ten blocks to number of items)

►Summer Shapes (cut and paste 3D shapes- cone, sphere, cube, cylinder, rectangular prism, triangular prism)
►All pages are available in 1/2 sheet sizes
►Answer keys are included for all pages (in full page and 1/2 page sizes)



☀️Summer LITERACY Review for 1st Grade

Included in this no prep resource is:
►5 different covers to choose from

►Beach ABC Order (to the 1st letter)

►Summer ABC Order (to the 2nd letter)

►Summer Scramble (unscramble the summer words )

►Read, Color, Write (read the word, color the matching picture, write the summer word)

►Color the Syllables (color the picture according to the number or syllables shown)

►Summer Vowels (write in the missing vowel for the picture shown)

►Short or Long Vowel (color the picture according to the vowel sound)

►Summer Rhymes (color the sets of rhyming words)

►Summer Words (write the initial sound according to the picture shown to reveal the summer words)

►Watermelon Match (color the initial sounds according to the picture)

►What's the Sound (writing the beginning, middle, and ending sounds according to the picture)

►Summer Nouns (coloring person, place and thing)

►Summer Verbs (coloring words that are verbs/not verbs)

►Summer Digraphs (coloring pictures with ch, sh, th)

►Sound Splash (coloring pictures with dge, wh, tch, kn, qu, and ck sounds)

►Diving for Words (word search with 10 summer words)

►Sour Synonyms (coloring synonyms for familiar words)

►Summer Syllables (coloring pictures with 1, 2, 3, or 4 syllables according to the key)

►Yummy Words (coloring nous, verbs, and adjectives)

►Singular and Plural Nouns (coloring singular/plural words)

►Pronoun Surfing (matching word to a pronoun - they, I she, it, we, he)

►Contraction Shells (writing the contraction from the two words shown)

►Past, Present, and Future (coloring verbs)
►Summer Punctuation (adding periods, exclamation marks, and question marks to sentences)
►Sentence Repair (rewrite the sentences with the correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation)
►L-Blend Sentences (fill in the blank with l-blend words according to the picture shown)

►Summer Conjunctions (fill in the blank with the correct conjunction - so, but because, and or)

►Reading Comprehension (read the summer themed passage and answer questions)
►All pages are available in 1/2 sheet sizes
►Answer keys are included for all pages (in full page and 1/2 page sizes)


Additional Search Key Terms:

| Summer | end of year | beach | pool | swimming | Math | FUN | color | write | vacation | packet | school | centers | Morning Work | writing | stations | independent | centers | gift | first grade | first | second grade | second | grade | grammar | reading | literacy | read | ELAR | ELA |